Top-Seal White (TSW)

Top-Seal is available in White (TSW) and Black (TSB). TSW is specially formulated for stabilizing haul roads and heavy traffic areas, and for meeting stringent EPA requirements for controlling dust pollution. The chart on the left shows a strength increase of 960% for a medium application of TSW and 1,566% for a heavier application in a natural West Texas soil. Compared to untreated soil, TSW is a tremendous multiplier of the strength values and overall durability in any traffic environment.

When used with proper procedures in sufficient quantities, Top-Seal is capable of reducing most soils to a state of near impermeability. At a fraction of the cost of synthetic liners, the product will meet and exceed EPA standards for oil field holding pits, underground storage tanks, and landfill
composite liners and covers. The graph on the left shows a permeability decrease of more than 3 times the EPA standard with medium strength TSW and 100 times for the higher strength TSW.

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) tested a comparison between TSW and Portland Cement. The results of the testing revealed that TSW is an excellent alternative to the more expensive option of stabilization with cement.

Top-Seal Black (TSB)

Recycling with Top-Seal Black (TSB) is a very efficient and cost-effective method of transforming an old worn out and unsalvageable asphalt (bitumen) surface into a very smooth and hardened traffic bearing roadway for essentially any type of traffic. This method of rehabilitating an old pavement surface with TSB will produce a newly stabilized base far superior to the pre-existing base. In combination with TSB, all of the old pulverized asphalt and old road base material will be tightly cemented into a hardened and solid black mass that is virtually indistinguishable from a newly paved surface. This will then produce an option for adding a new pavement to the base, or to simply defer that decision into a future budget.

Advantages of recycling with TSB are as follows:

  • Environmentally safe
  • Superior performance in comparison with traditional asphalt (bitumen) based emulsions
  • Less expensive and more stable in pricing compared to constant fluctuations of petroleum based additives
  • Elimination of removing and disposing of old asphalt (bitumen) surfaces in accordance with strict environmental laws
  • Reconstruction of a newly stabilized base with TSB will be far superior to the pre-existing base

Environmentally safe and easy to use, TSB is the perfect alternative to the traditional use of asphalt emulsions in the recycling and upgrading of old asphalt (bitumen) roads. The product is simply fed into a reclaimer or blade-mixed during the recycling process. The surface is then over coated and compacted to a final proctor. When completed, the unpaved and hardened road will be fully stabilized and ready for traffic, or it can be further upgraded with a primer and an asphalt wearing surface. The savings on a reclaimed TSB road can be ultimately reprogrammed into future upgrades with asphalt. As a result, TSB will pay for itself, many times over!

HR-TS ™ (Haul Road – Top Seal™)

. . . is a program using a powerful, environmentally safe, liquid soil binder that permanently attaches itself to dust particles and tightly binds them together. Simply diluted with water in a water truck, HR-TS™ is applied directly to the soil and compacted. An irreversible curing process will then transform HR-TS™ into a permanently hardened soil base.


Controlling dust pollution with daily water truck operations is a losing battle. As the water quickly evaporates from the soil, the dust pollution returns, and there is very little reward for the lost efforts and precious water resources.


With the HR-TS™ program, an initial application and occasional maintenance applications will provide a continuous and permanent accumulation of the product into the soil. Eventually, the dust particles will be overwhelmed by the presence of HR-TS™ , and the frequency between maintenance applications and the cost of controlling dust pollution will be progressively reduced.


With the HR-TS™ program, dust is significantly reduced or eliminated with an initial application, and it is permanently kept under control with occasional maintenance applications on an “as-needed” basis. Re-applications of HR-TS™ will bond with previous ones, thereby cumulatively reducing the need for future treatments.

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